11 Dec. 21
Why is Plumbing Maintenance Important?
Today, with the rapid development of technology, we are all surrounded by installations that more than meet our needs. Thanks to the innovations offered to us by technology, we continue our lives in more specific life and business areas.
While our homes and workplaces are still at the project stage, installation plans are prepared by professionals with precision, and approvals are obtained for these mechanisms before the buildings are erected. Basically, 3 main installations are installed in our living spaces.
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These are:
Electrical Installation
Natural Gas Installation
Each of these plumbing devices is important for our comfortable life, and there are great financial and vital risks of negligence in its installation or later. For this reason, it is vitally important to use appropriate materials and comply with regulations at the time of installation, and to carry out regular maintenance and modification steps afterward without interrupting.
1- Electrical Installation
We are all aware that electricity, which is an important part of our lives, has an undeniable importance for humanity to reach its present level. However, a small mistake or ignoring malfunctions during the installation of electrical installations can result in terrible costs that we will pay with our lives. While creating a living space, it is very, very important that the quality of the materials used, their suitability to handle the energy to be used, and the observance of the rules protected by the regulations.
In our daily lives, even if everything is prepared properly in the buildings we live in, it is possible that over the years, the installations will get old and not perform as well as before. At such times, we will need to personally intervene, observe and detect a possible accident in advance. For this reason, having our electrical installation checked by a professional at least once every 2 years and fixing minor faults, if any, will ensure that we protect ourselves and our family against unwanted accidents.
2-Water Installation
Plumbing is the general name of the system created to carry the water coming from the source to our living spaces with pipes and to return the used water to nature. It is important to use materials with a structure and width suitable for the amount of water to be used and disposed of in water installations, as in other plumbing devices. Failure to use appropriate materials while preparing the plumbing may cause blockages, noise, bad odor and overflows over time.
Problems with plumbing often become visible in bathrooms and kitchens when the walls become damp. In such cases, it is necessary to contact a professional, identify the source of the leak and repair it without wasting too much time. If such minor problems are not resolved in a timely manner, they can cause much more damage to your home and cause high costs.
4-Natural Gas Installation
The natural gas installation is among the installations that should be regularly maintained before it fails. Natural gas installations that are not regularly maintained affect the safety of life by creating a risk of leakage, and adversely affect the safety of property, as it will cause a decrease in performance in combi boilers and honeycombs, depending on the area of use.
Especially those who use combi boilers should take a professional service and perform maintenance and cleaning operations before entering the winter. Even if you bought your boiler new, after a few years, mud and rust accumulation is observed inside the honeycombs and pipes. In this case, it will cause you not to get as good performance from your combi as before, to pay more and not be able to heat it in return. If this contamination is not intervened in a timely manner, it is possible to cause general malfunctions in the combi boiler.
Although the maintenance and repair of the installations in our living spaces may seem easy, they carry financial and vital risks. For this reason, it is definitely beneficial to be intervened by the professionals of the business. Any intervention you make to people who are unprofessional and for whom you don’t have a reference can cause you more financial losses.